The Magical Kingdom of READALOT Honours:


Laurell K Hamilton's Books

This page is meant as tribute to Laurell K Hamilton.
Click on the following link
to visit Laurell K Hamilton's Website
Merry Gentry Series / Anita Blake Series
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Merry Gentry Series

Seduced by Moonlight

Seduced by Moonlight by Laurel K Hamilton Seduced by Moonlight by Laurel K Hamilton Seduced by Moonlight by Laurel K Hamilton Seduced by Moonlight by Laurel K Hamilton

Released Feb. 3, 2004

She's kissed you with shadows...
She's caressed you with twilight...
And now? The third time is the charm...
SEDUCED BY MOONLIGHT by Laurell K. Hamilton
Look for it in bookstores February 3, 2004
To read an excerpt go to:


A Caress of Twilight

A Kiss of Shadows

Caress of Twilight Kiss of Shadows

Laurell K Hamilton's Books may be purchased at the following fine retailers: (ebooks) (Canada) (Canada) (US)

All graphics are the property of Laurell K Hamilton

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Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Series

Original Covers

Guilty Pleasures Laughing Corpse Circus of the Damned Lunatic Cafe
Bloody Bones Killing Dance Burnt Offerings Blue Moon

Re-Release Covers

Guilty Pleasure 2000 Laughing Corpse 2000 Circu of the Damned Blue Moon 2000
Bloody Bones 2000 Killing Dance 2000 Burnt Offerings 2000 Blue Moon 2000

Original Covers

Obsidian Butterfly Narcissus in Chains Cerulean Sins

Incubus Dreams
Coming Oct 2004

Book Club Editions - Multi title volumes

Club Vampyre Midnight Cafe Black Moon Inn

Guilty Pleasures
Laughing Corpse
Circus of the Damned

Lunatic Cafe
Bloody Bones
Killing Dance

Burnt Offerings
Blue Moon

All graphics are the property of Laurell K Hamilton

Home Page/ Retailers Link Page/ Disclaimer

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